a collage of Brian Yancelson taking a selfie with Josh Moczygemba (left) 和 Stu Paul (right)
As 虎网络 enters its second decade, hear from its latest graduate in the pros

一个面具挡在我和耳机之间. 我的腿在桌子底下发抖. Somehow, I managed to say out loud that the 澳门金沙线上赌博官网 Tigers were hosting the Austin College Kangaroos.

Nerves were at an all-time high as I made my play-by-play broadcasting debut for 虎网络 2021年4月. 然而, I quickly realized after one inning that I had been doing this–talking about baseball–my entire life. 唯一的区别? 现在,人们在倾听. 我没有意识到我的生活发生了多大的变化.

我继续转播了150多场棒球比赛, 篮球, 足球, 和澳门金沙赌城线上游戏的排球, 一路走来, 我发现了一种新的激情. I fell in love with being on air 和 having a new way to tell stories just as I had enjoyed doing as a writer for many years prior.

快进到现在, 我是圣安东尼奥任务的广播工程师, 圣地亚哥教士队的a级球队. 我制作每一款游戏,并与团队一起旅行, 跳上空中的实况转播和彩色评论. 当我坐在德州联盟的转播棚里时, 从威奇托, 堪萨斯, 到科珀斯克里斯蒂, 德州, 我仍然觉得我在卡尔加德体育馆的老虎网络控制室.


我在澳门金沙线上赌博官网的每一步都建立在前一步的基础上. 我做了两年的体育编辑 Trinitonian 在做过儿童记者之后 儿童体育画报 在高中时. 当我高中毕业进入大学时, 我开始有一种感觉,我想要新闻工作的另一个方面.

与此同时,我和 Trinitonian, I started doing video interviews with 虎网络 to venture out in front of the camera. Josh Moczygemba ' 05, 老虎电视台的执行制片人, gave me opportunities to interview athletes 和 coaches during my first month on campus, 让我可以马上练习.

由于2019冠状病毒病,2020年秋季体育赛事被推迟, all 18 intercollegiate teams at 澳门金沙线上赌博官网 were scheduled to compete in the spring. 这意味着老虎电视台的所有人都在报道不间断的行动. Underst和ing my desire to try new things 和 my love for baseball while also needing help with a packed schedule, Moczygemba让我在我的第一场老虎棒球队比赛中跳上空中.

尽管我对体育新闻的其他领域很熟悉, 广播对我来说还是个新鲜事物. 值得庆幸的是, 澳门金沙线上赌博官网鼓励体验式学习, 和 虎网络 was at the heart of that for me 和 so many other 澳门金沙线上赌博官网 students.

这并不是说老虎网络允许学生即兴表演. Instead, 虎网络 encourages exploration while still requiring preparation. 你操作过照相机吗? 你在比赛中跟随另一个学生,自己试试怎么样? 不知道现场演出是什么样子? Sit in the control room for a few games to pick up roles like replay 和 graphics.

对于像我这样从未转播过比赛的人来说? 看看瑞恩·菲格特这样的人是怎么做的. Be alongside him while he does play-by-play before feeling comfortable enough to do it yourself.


From having detailed notes ready for air to scheduling conversations with coaches ahead of games, 菲格特向我展示了作为一名学生广播员的可能性. 现在, Figert is the social media coordinator for 美国职业足球大联盟达拉斯FC队, where he has also taken over play-by-play for several games on the radio for the highest level of professional soccer in the United States.

在为 美国职业足球大联盟达拉斯FC队, 22岁的Ryan Figert(右)接受采访 前你.S. 国家男子足球队守门员蒂姆·霍华德.

就像费格特站在我面前一样,他也有其他人站在他面前. 卡勒姆·斯奎尔斯,16岁, 老虎电视网的首批人才之一, 刚刚找到了一个新职位,在SRK战略公司做客户经理, 一家公共关系公司,拥有各种体育媒体和广播客户. 在那之前, Squires served as the assistant director of Communications 和 Broadcasting for the Southl和 Conference, 和 he has earned several professional broadcasting roles for the Dallas Cup 和 ESPN+ college soccer.

Callum Squires '16 attending the Southl和 Conference Basketball Tournament in Lake Charles, 路易斯安那州(左). 律师在采访A&科珀斯克里斯蒂女排主教练史蒂夫·格林(右).

And then there’s Chris Garagiola ’15, who helped Moczygemba get 虎网络 off the ground in 2015. Garagiola is now the radio play-by-play broadcaster for Major League Baseball’s Arizona Diamondbacks. Last October, Garagiola got to call the Diamondbacks’ trip to the World Series.

Chris Garagiola ’15 helped Josh Moczygemba ' 05 grow 虎网络 back in 2015.

Having multiple alumni working at the professional level in broadcasting while barely a decade old showcases Moczygemba 和 虎网络’s impact. As 虎网络 has grown, there is now more staff help from the likes of the remarkable 瑞恩说梅森McLerran泰勒的赌注在他们面前. The staff bring their expertise to students, guiding them to learn 和 grow in real time.

在老虎电视台工作期间, Brian Yancelson, 22岁 (left) worked closely with executive producer Josh Moczygemba ' 05 (right) 和 creative producers 瑞恩说 (far left) 和 梅森McLerran (far right).

There are not only consistent opportunities for students but also access to incredible equipment. From the get-go, those involved with 虎网络 work with gear they will see in the workforce. It takes little time for a casual fan to watch a game on 虎网络 和 notice the quality is elite among Division III competition while often rivaling higher-level broadcasts as well.


没有老虎网络,就不会有今天的我. I am honored to join those before me as the latest 虎网络 broadcaster in the pros, 我知道我不会是最后一个. I smile every time I turn on 虎网络 to hear Reed Rosales ’25: the expert cameraman turned broadcaster, 或科尔·艾萨克森1927年的作品, who I still remember showing the 虎网络 control room before he decided to commit to 澳门金沙线上赌博官网.

记住,没有相机就拍不到任何动作. 24岁的亚当·曼会不惜一切代价拍出最好的照片, 包括站在卡尔加德体育馆的屋顶拍摄澳门金沙线上赌博官网棒球队的比赛. He has spent the last two summers as a camera operator for the Sugar L和 Space Cowboys, 休斯顿太空人队的3a球队, 他要去德州A队了&M大学攻读硕士学位, where he hopes to join 12th Man Productions to continue his sports media experience.

Moczygemba所创造的一切都是非凡的. 尽管没有官方的广播课程, 澳门金沙线上赌博官网 is home to a burgeoning broadcasting pipeline because 虎网络 has proven that there’s no better way to learn than by doing. As 虎网络 enters its second decade, I’m excited to tune in for what’s next.

In the above photos: Brian Yancelson ’22 posed for a photo with executive producer Josh Moczygemba ' 05 while broadcasting a game for 澳门金沙线上赌博官网’s 虎网络 (left). Yancelson poses for a photo with play-by-play announcer Stu Paul while broadcasting Opening Day for the 圣安东尼奥 Missions in Amarillo, 德州.

Brian Yancelson, 22岁 helped tell 澳门金沙线上赌博官网's story as a public relations intern for 圣澳门金沙赌城线上游戏 Strategic Communications 和 Marketing.
