Blaine Martin stands by flags
Trinity Student Snags “Unbelievable” Harvard Opportunity


At first, he couldn't believe he was selected to be a student at Trinity. "I always viewed a place like Trinity as being out of my reach. I remember thinking, 'If I even get into this school, it would be a miracle,'" says Martin, a double major in Political Science and International Studies and a Spanish minor from Midland, TX. 

Now, 在过去的几年里,马丁经历了一系列令人难以置信的重要实习和经历,这些经历让他走遍了华盛顿, D.C.今年夏天,他终于去了哈佛大学一个著名的为期六周的公共政策项目.

马丁是哈佛肯尼迪学院公共政策分支的首批15名研究员之一 & International Affairs Program (PPIA). At the six PPIA partner institutions, the 149 fellows, selected from thousands of applicants worldwide, will receive six weeks of free, 严格的暑期课程,为参与者准备高级研究生教育和公共服务的职业生涯,并在国内和全球事务的领导.

The PPIA program is just the latest in a line of high-impact, hands-on learning opportunities Martin has experienced at Trinity.

As part of a two-internship stint in D.C., 25岁的布莱恩·马丁与交通部长皮特·布蒂吉格等人物密切合作, 同时在国家首都体验政策制定和倡导的核心.

In the Summer of 2023, Martin was selected for the U.S. 交通部2023年不同群体暑期交通实习计划(STIPDG), working within the Office of the Secretary of Transportation, 研究如何在基础设施项目中集中气候积极决策. That fall, 通过白宫联络实习项目,布莱恩本学期在商务部长立法和政府间事务办公室实习.U. program at American University. Within this internship, 马丁研究了各种各样的主题,从创建太空商业框架, building the domestic semiconductor industry through the CHIPS and Sciences Act, 以及在部落国家和其他未被认可的社区实施经济刺激计划. 

The following spring, Martin whisked off to a study abroad opportunity in Freiburg, Germany, with the IES European Union Policy Program. There, as a Student Ambassador for his cohort, 他了解了组成欧盟的复杂政治体系的错综复杂, focusing on human rights in the context of International Law. If this wasn’t enough, 经过训练,他在弗莱堡完成了他的第一次马拉松比赛,并在整个学期都在视频中记录了他的经历. Now, heading off to Harvard, 马丁带来了许多其他本科生可能没有的丰富经验.

马丁说:“在澳门金沙线上赌博官网,我很高兴能有能让我产生影响的经历。.  “而不仅仅是阅读它或从理论上思考改变事物的方法, but being able to make those changes." 

As part of the IES European Union Policy Program, Blaine Martin '25 learned the political intricacies of the European Union.

Martin says he came to Trinity with a strong idea of what he stands for. “我一直对政治很感兴趣,对社会正义充满热情,为人们辩护.”

And at Trinity, 马丁找到了一群强有力的支持他的人——他那充满激情的政治科学教师, and other University staffers.

"Dr. [Katsuo] Nishikawa, Dr. [Rosa] Aloisi, Dr. [Juan] SepulvedaLadyStacie Rimes-Boyd J.D., Gina Pham, (the list goes on, rather extensively), they've all been amazing in supporting my journey," Martin says. "I would not be where I am without all the letters of recommendation, words of advice, and the connections they're constantly making. I know that if I hadn't gone to Trinity and met all these amazing people, I would not have had any of the opportunities I currently have. 我的教授和导师让我意识到,我可以做所有看似不可能的事情,实现我的最终目标. No matter the dream I proposed, they always helped me get there. They always believed and invested in me. This success story I am telling today is only possible because of them."

Following Oprah’s advice on finding the ‘next right move,’ for one’s life, Martin recalls simply "going up to each of these people, saying, ‘I want to have some enriching and effective experiences. Can you help me get there?’” Martin stated, “I knew that finding the next right move for my life would stem from asking, jumping in, and seeing where each intentional decision led me.”

And these faculty responded. 马丁一开始就有机会在圣安东尼奥的埃斯佩兰萨和平与正义中心实习,并加入了 Alvarez Scholarship program 在大学一年级之后,他开始了为期两个学期的工作, two continents, and three major political science programs.

实际上,马丁很难回忆起他在澳门金沙线上赌博官网课堂之外所做的一切. "I'm realizing I've lived an entire lifetime since I’ve come to campus. I haven't even had time to make a LinkedIn post about any of this yet."

That's life as a Trinity student, 在这里,大学独特的融合了大学院的机会和小学院的师资力量,提高了 liberal arts全面的课程方法,为课堂外的实践学习打开了大门.

In fact, 马丁花了很多时间思考如何将他的现实经验应用到课堂上,而不是相反. 但马丁表示,他的实习经历和海外旅行也让他对自己的学业有了更深的理解.

"The work you do within the classroom is very theory-focused, such as trying to find the best practices for policy making," Martin says. "But then, through all my experiences, given how fast the world changes, 我意识到,这些政策圈中的许多人需要其他人对一个问题进行最新的理论分析. 简单地提供另一个角度来看待问题可以提供许多潜在的新解决方案. 有澳门金沙线上赌博官网的理论背景,有勇气在需要的时候直言不讳, even as an intern, 让我明白,尽管我是这个房间里最年轻、最缺乏专业经验的人, they still valued my voice and input. It was life-changing. Never underestimate your potential impact”

25岁的布莱恩·马丁(Blaine Martin)刚刚结束了在政策制定领域的两个学期的令人难以置信的实践经验.

When Martin finally returns to campus in Fall 2024, he will have plenty to say.

As a newly elected senator for Trinity SGA, he has many initiatives planned, 但他想把重点放在推动更多的土著声音和其他传统上不被认可的声音加入图书馆的收藏中,并探索可持续发展倡议的可能性,从而在未来的大学项目中促进更多以生态为中心的设计. (Martin has a deep love for bees and butterflies, for example, and wants to see more pollinator-friendly plants around campus.)

"I'm never silent, especially when it matters," Martin says. "I’m known for talking…a lot. Whenever I speak up, I think my main goal is to impact those around me positively. 在一个空间产生的小涟漪,总会在另一个空间引发巨大的涟漪. Simply put, be that ripple of hope for the world. 当我们看到不公正时,大声疾呼是很重要的,因为除非有人真正站出来,试图改变不公平的制度和机构, they never will."

And when Martin graduates next spring, he's already set his sights on his next unbelievable stop: Harvard.

"Before I got into Trinity, I said. 'I'll never get into school there, yet here I am, four years later." Martin says. “所以今年春天,我看着哈佛大学,心想,‘哦,能进哈佛真是个奇迹. Now, I have my plane ticket booked for this summer program, 这是通往法学院或研究生院的一大步.



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