TUVAC is a University Sponsored Organization dedicated to helping 澳门金沙线上赌博官网 students connect to community partners and community service programs through volunteer work. We aim to enhance 澳门金沙线上赌博官网 students' social responsibility by promoting values of equity, 多样性, 通过社区服务实现包容性. One of our main goals is to bridge the gap between the 澳门金沙线上赌博官网 community and the greater 圣安东尼奥 community so that 澳门金沙线上赌博官网 students can become better informed citizens of their surrounding community and the world.

你是如何加入TUVAC的? 参观小组的 GivePulse页面 去了解更多的信息.




TUVAC is comprised of 6 student leaders and 2 staff advisers who are dedicated to organizing weekly volunteer events for the 澳门金沙线上赌博官网 community. They create and connect 澳门金沙线上赌博官网 students to volunteer opportunities in the 圣安东尼奥 community. 

TUVAC provides free transportation for all students who sign up for a TUVAC-sponsored volunteer event.




My name is Brynne Stevens and I am from Denver, Colorado. I am a senior neuroscience major planning to attend graduate school for audiology next fall. TUVAC之外, I also serve as Vice President of 澳门金沙线上赌博官网 Women in Science and Technology and research for a hearing, 声学与感知实验室. I love all things related to music, spending time outdoors, and being with friends and family. After serving as the Volunteer Coordinator for Youth and Education for three years, I am excited to transition to the 执行协调员!

Headshot of Tim Mose with a snowy scene in the background


Hey, my name is Tim Mose and I’m a business major on the pre-med track. I’m originally from Germany but moved to Texas 12 years ago. I joined TUVAC because I want to help make the community that accepted me a better place. For fun, I like to spend time with friends, work out, and play games.

Tara Kyaw的大头照
Tara Kyaw, 22岁


我叫Tara Kyaw,来自德克萨斯州奥斯汀. I am majoring in psychology and minoring in education and Spanish with a plan to attend graduate school in the fall of 2022. 除了TUVAC, I am conducting research in Dr. Carolyn Becker’s lab and peer tutoring the Principles to Psychology course. 在我空闲的时候, I love to bake 与朋友和家人共度时光.


Mia Kholy的大头照
Mia Kholy, 24岁


Hi, I’m Mia Kholy, the 青年和教育志愿者协调员 for TUVAC! I’m from Plano, TX and am planning to major in Biology. Other than TUVAC, I’m involved in TDC, MSA, and TWIST on campus. 我爱时尚, 制作, 鲍勃的汉堡, 艺术博物馆, and a fun fact about me is that I’m fluent in Arabic. 能和你们一起做志愿者我非常激动!



My name is Tyler Marcheli and 我来自休斯顿, Texas and majoring in Business Analytics and Technology. 除了TUVAC, I’m also involved in my business fraternity Delta Sigma Pi, the RCIA program at Holy Spirit Catholic Church, 和艾达·克莱尔餐厅的服务员. 在我空闲的时候, 我喜欢和我的狗科达一起去探险, 去徒步旅行, 尝试新食物, 和旅行. I love being able to give back to the 圣安东尼奥 community and giving hope to others who need it the most.

Headshot of Aaron Elfezouaty sitting in the grass
Aaron Elfezouaty, 23岁


我叫Aaron Elfezouaty, 我来自休斯顿, TX, and am majoring in Biology and minoring in Business. 除了TUVAC, I am also involved in racquetball, peer tutoring, and Special Olympics. 在我空闲的时候, 我喜欢探索新的地方, 和我的狗玩, 与朋友和家人共度时光. 目前, I am the Volunteer Coordinator for the Environment for TUVAC and I aid in communicating volunteer opportunities and planning events related to the environment.


Everyone is welcome to join TUVAC and participate in our volunteer opportunities! Just sign up for available volunteer events on our GivePulse页面. You can also subscribe to our weekly newsletter that informs our subscribers about available volunteer events and other community volunteer opportunities. If you would like to apply for a specific leadership position within TUVAC, there are applications that will be available when applicable.

Applications for Site Leaders will be based on the organization's needs. These will usually be made available at the beginning of each semester. An interview will be conducted for Site Leader applicants by the Executive Team.

Applications for a position on the Executive Team will also be based on the organization’s needs. These will be made available at the beginning of the spring semester if applicable. An interview process will also occur in mid-spring after applications are collected and reviewed by the Executive Team. The new hires will begin working in the upcoming semester.



体验式学习中心 & 事业成功 (2nd floor of Student Involvement Center located across from Coates Student Center). 

联系 布琳·史蒂文斯:执行协调员 or TUVAC 

Don't forget to check out our upcoming events section and social media for more information on how you can give back to your community!  事件时间表