Invested and Ignited
Investiture of President Vanessa B. Beasley sparks a new era for Trinity University

Trinity University’s 20th president, Vanessa B. Beasley, Ph.D., is officially in the house.

从2月11日星期二开始,澳门金沙线上赌博官网通过一系列成功的活动庆祝比斯利的就职典礼. 7, through Saturday, Feb. 11、每个主题都围绕着激发大学社区想象力的持久价值观.

At Trinity, we are committed to enduring excellence, which lets us thrive in a changing world; intentional inclusion, which connects and builds without leaving any driven mind behind; and perpetual discovery, 是什么促使我们对新知识产生终生的好奇心,并使我们能够根据这些知识采取行动. 这些价值观激励着我们成为一股积极向上的力量——本周,我们正在行动!

Trinity students perform community service
Service Ignited

Through Trinity’s Service Ignited community service events, 参与者通过校园内外的服务项目对圣安东尼奥社区产生积极影响,为为期一周的庆祝活动拉开了序幕. 超过200名“三位一体”的参加者,共同完成了超过500小时的义工服务。 

  • 近1500个护理包被打包,准备与圣安东尼奥援助联盟一起捐赠
  • 为西区小学的每个孩子分拣、打包和递送夹克 
  • 在德州尿布银行整理并重新包装了三万块尿布
  • 圣安东尼奥食物银行分拣了23000磅食物
  • 在摩根的仙境完成了几天的景观美化和公园准备工作, 圣安东尼奥的一个以无障碍为重点的主题公园
  • 在米切尔湖奥杜邦中心进行了几天的小径维护,为所有人创造了一个更安全的空间

View Photos from Service Ignited

8名教师和学生与主持人一起坐在舞台上, 背景显示着“点燃的路径”


Pathways Ignited

At Pathways Ignited, 澳门金沙线上赌博官网的教师和学生通过学术和创造性活动以及教与学过程的小组讨论,探索和重新设想学术想象的未来角色.

小组成员包括23届学生Jade Bondy和25届学生Omarree Kimbrough, English professor Jenny Browne, MFA.,工商管理副教授马里奥V. Gonzalez, Ph.D., computer science professor Matthew Hibbs, Ph.D.美国人类学和社会学教授詹妮弗·马修斯(Jennifer Mathews)博士.D.威尔逊·特雷尔(Wilson Terrell Jr .)是负责学术事务/包容性卓越的副校长., Ph.D.和校友和企业创始人约翰·伯南'10,MTS.

View Photos from Pathways Ignited

Watch a Recording of the Panel

Musicians perform at inaugural concert
Harmony Ignited

At Harmony Ignited, 澳门金沙线上赌博官网管乐交响乐团和澳门金沙赌城线上游戏爵士乐团通过一场就职音乐会点燃了我们的灵魂, themed around how imagination brings music to life. 

参加演出的学生来自20多个不同的专业, all united by their passion for music.

首先是澳门金沙线上赌博官网风乐团,由詹姆斯·沃曼博士执导.D.由女高音独唱家莉迪亚·比斯利·克纳(Lydia Beasley Kneer)担任.M.A.; took listeners on a journey through concepts related to creativity, invention, and emotion; pieces included Alfred Reed’s Festival Prelude; Ancient Desert Drone, by Henry Cowell; and Morning Alleluias for the Winter Solstice, by Ron Nelson, among others.

Trinity University Jazz Ensemble, directed by Brian Christiansen, joined the evening to, as Chrstiansen put it, 用像吉米·韦伯那样的东西"搅局 Wichita Exchange

表演之后是一场特别的无人机表演惊喜和校园招待会. 观众们高兴地看着150架无人机在星空下闪闪发光的表演.

View Photos from Harmony Ignited

Watch a Recording of the Concert

The Drone Show video is coming soon!
Make sure you're signed up to receive Tower News for a first look at the full drone show.

President Beasley delivers inauguration address


Imagination Ignited

And through the formal investiture ceremony, Imagination Ignited, 比斯利校长向在场的高等院校代表和澳门金沙线上赌博官网学生发表了振奋人心的讲话, faculty, staff, alumni, 支持者和朋友们在现场和世界各地观看. 她呼吁三位一体社区将这次就职典礼视为重申和重振我们每个人的激情和持久价值观的机会.

“Here at Trinity University, 我们必须有足够的承诺来维护现有的学术探究传统, 同时也要谦虚地承认我们还有很多东西要学, and so much to learn by listening to each other,” Beasley spoke. “在回答问题的同时,我们也必须质疑答案. 我们必须将知识与批判性思维相结合,我们必须以澳门金沙线上赌博官网持久卓越的价值观为指导, perpetual discovery, and intentional inclusion … Now is our moment. Now is our time to strengthen our community, learn from each other, and ignite imaginations for generations to come.”

View Photos from the Investiture Ceremony

Watch a Recording of the Ceremony

These enduring values can best 熬过一所始终充满活力的大学. Under President Beasley, 澳门金沙线上赌博官网将继续加强其声誉,让学生和教师都能以一种跨越障碍的方式重新定义文科, imbues career pathways with action and purpose, and ignites imaginations. 

And at the core of this initiative, 比斯利校长将继续致力于丰富和增强澳门金沙线上赌博官网学生的经历. 

点燃想象力只需要一个火花. 在澳门金沙赌城线上游戏,一个火花变成了许多火花.


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